Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a Weekend!

This past weekend was a whirlwind! Friday I went down to Fremont and Travis did a great job getting me drunk even before Jen got home from work...damn my weakness for patron margaritas! Then we all headed over to Trinette and Mike's for a great Halloween party! I cant wait til their next party! Saturday was Brandi's baby shower with all of Anthony's family, and she got so many wonderful gifts that we have already gone back through multiple times! Sunday I was up in Chico for my first 5K and I managed to finish under my 30 minute goal...29.23 to be exact! Whoop whoop! Ha! Sunday evening and monday morning was spent painting Gavin's room at Brandi's house and Monday afternoon I flew home to begin packing up all of my stuff from my moms house to put into my new apartment! Move in day November 8th!

Cowgirl Heather, Princess Leia Lacey, Zorros Daughter Jen
Me and Jamie before the 5K


Jamie and Scott said...

nice job by the way!

jen3 said...

you had a RagInG weekend! Congrats on the race!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Wow! You have been busy!!

Unknown said...

Yay for under 30mins!! I'm so proud of you :) Thanks again for coming down! If little Gavino isn't on the way you'll have to come down for the next gathering.

Dave and Joan said...

We heard you moved. Congrats on the new apartment. We look forward to more pictures when you have settled in. Have you seen the latest pics on our blog site? Send us your new mailing address and we will plug it in tot the navigation system and we will be up to visit.
Love from your other Mom and Dad.