Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wyatt is 2 months old!!

Wyatt is 2 months! He is really holding his head up well and rolling over from stomach to back all of the time! Such a strong boy! He is starting to smile a bit more, especially in the mornings when he is all grins for mommy!  His first shots went well with only a minute of crying. I really felt like he is a lot bigger than Austin was, but their stats are acutally quite similar! Wyatt weighed more at 12 pounds 2 ounces which is the 45%(Austin was 11pounds), and Wyatt was 22.75 inches, 36%(Austin was almost the same at 22.5inches).  I am so excited to watch this little boy grow up!

I know Im posting a lot of pics but I just cant get enough of the many faces of Wyatt!
 No neck

 Happy boy!

 Serious face

 All smiles!



 Silly face!

 All smiles for Auntie!

 Anyone else getting tired of this?

 Ok, one last smile for Mommy!

 Hanging out with my teddy!

  Why am I sitting next to a monkey?

 Sitting with my turtle!

 And a couple more smiles!

Photo comparison time!!

1 comment:

Jamie and Scott said...

Wow such a cutie. Just a little bigger. Austin still looks the same