Monday, July 8, 2013

Auntie Julie comes to visit!

I have been so lucky with visitors! Right after Ava and Joey left, Julie came to stay!! Wyatt was especially taken with her!!

And of course we went back to the bouncehouse with the Sigona kids!

 Gavin dragged her everywhere!

 Wyatt loves sleeping on Auntie Julie!

 Grandma Kristy came up to help us set up for Austins birthday and his present caused a dance party!!

And lots of playing in the pool!

 Austin didnt want to get into the big pool, so Julie sat with him in his baby pool!

 No rest for Auntie Julie!

Julie was here the day before Austins birthday, and helped us test out the slip and slide Dan made for the party!!

 First Try!

Austin and Julie!

Daddys turn!!

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