Wednesday, July 24, 2013

State Fair!

Well even though Brandi and Trinette beat me to the post...Here are my pics of the wonderful day we had at the state fair! Coolest day we've ever had there, I dont think it got above 85 degrees!! And it was great to have Julie with us, I think she had fun too!

 waiting in line so patiently. I love how they all have their own tickets!

 We weren't happy with their height restrictions, but Kendall and Austin could only go on one ride unless they had an accompanying adult. So Trinette and I braved this boat ride...nausea quickly followed!
 Austin loved it!
So did Lexi and Kendall, until the ride started, then Lexi screamed and Kendall signed all done!!

 The best ride! Cause they could all go on it themselves!
The boys!

 And the girls!

 Got them all in this one!

 So cute, I love walking pics!

 Julie even went on a ride!

 Big Bubbles!! Such a fun room, and air conditioned!

 Playing the rocks!

 And more bubbles!

 Austin loves the drums!

 Im not sure what this was supposed to be, but the kids had fun hitting around a half inflated ball.

 Wyatt slept for the whole time we were there, 6 hours!!

 The kids were so good we ended the day with ice cream for all!!

 On the way to the car

 Trinette even stayed for dinner at the Sigonas so we could hang out more! Wyatt was happy!!

 Such a cute pic! I love Wyatts expression!

 Kendall being silly!

Long day, Austin and Lexi decided to take a nap while Auntie B read to Kendall and Gavin!

1 comment:

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Joy in the eyes of a child - even when those children have children of their own! Glad you all had such a great time...