Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fourth of July!!

 We celebrated at Grandma Kristy's annual Fourth of July party!!! We all had so much fun! The bouncy house was a big hit again!!

 Lexi, Ava, Julie and Austin!

 Auntie Julie and Austin

 Cute patriotic Lexi

 Austin is getting excited!

 All dressed up!

 Hanging with Uncle Dan


Last Year!!


 Sigona Clan!

 Cool Buddy!

 Austin loved the fireworks!! Kept saying 'wow' and pointing!

Our family!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...
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Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Good times! Loved all the oohing and aahhing from the kids!

Jamie and Scott said...

Fireworks are cool! Scott was the one saying wow the whole time with us! glad you had fun.