Thursday, July 26, 2012

Austin's July update

Daddy and Mommys birthday present to Austin for his 1st bday was a train table complete with tracks, trains, helicopter and scenery!! We had a great time putting it together, and Austin loved taking it all apart!! He really seems to enjoy it!

 The presentation!
 The desruction begins!!

 Austins first bike ride on his first bike!! He still doesnt reach the pedals but it has a great handle so we can push him around!

GG's 94th birthday party!
 Austin was crabby and needed a nap, I tried everything to get him to stop fussing, and finally just threw him next to GG for a pic....he calmed down immediately and layed with her for 30 minutes!! Austin loves his GGG!!

Austins second haircut!

Austin is final able to push himself forward on his kawi!!

Austin eating with a fork!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love the train table! Gavin says he wants to come over and play! He looks so cute in the bike, glad he likes it!

Trinette and Mike said...

Such a lucky little boy :)