Thursday, July 5, 2012

Austin is ONE!!

Our baby is ONE!! He is a full on walker now, not really crawling at all. He still falls a lot, but is getting more stable every day! He is still a little charmer. He will smile, play and love anyone who has the time! So much for that stranger anxiety! He is still a great sleeper, napper and eater! Not picky at all with food, and will pretty much eat everything we do. He is getting more teeth and now has two big uppers and 4 lowers!  His favorite food is definitely strawberries, but he loves any fruit and sorry to say he is like his daddy and gets pretty excited on pizza night! Along with his first few words of balloon and ball, he nows says 'wow' and 'uh oh', and im pretty sure he is saying 'emma' now too! I love hearing him talk! He is also signing 'more', 'eat', and 'thankyou' (thanks to Grandma Kristy!). Dan and I couldnt be more proud and in love with our little man, and cant wait to see what new things he will teach us this year!!

Thursday was Austins actual birthday and GGma, GGpa and GramaShell were in town to celebrate!! Along with the Sigonas of course!! We had lasagna with rice crispy treats for desert and Austin ate everything on his own! Such a big boy!!

 Birthday Boy!!

 Who loves lasagna!!


 Happy Birthday Ric Crispy Treats!!

 Austins first motorized bike ride on his first birthday!


 On Saturday we had Austins birthday party at Grandma Kristys!! What a blast! We had a car themed party with a bouncy house jumper, a small ball pit, bubbles, cake, ice cream and presents!!  Thanks to everyone who came to help us celebrate!!

 Mickey and Austin hanging out!

 Austin and the twins

 Just walking around

 Austin and Uncle Donny

 Playing in the bouncy house!!

 Silly Daddy!!

 Ava was the best entertainment for the kids, they all loved her!! Thanks Ava!!


Having fun with Grandma Kristy!

 Too much bouncing, water break with GramaShell!!
Now back to the fun!!


 Ryan playing with the Ellsmore Girls!

Me and Lexi

 Kendall and Austin playing in Grandma Kristys fountain!

 Uncle Ryan and Auntie Adrienne!! (with baby Weston!!!)

 Girl Time!!

 Hey guys, stand real close together for a picture....okaaaayyyy, i guess that will do! LOL!

 The kiddos!!

 Auntie Jamie and Austin!


 Getting some adult time in!

 Family pic!!

 GGpa and GGma!!

 Birthday Boy!!


Austin trying out one of his many many toys!! Thanks Cope Family!!

And just a cute picture of Austin eating pasta!! He thinks he is so funny!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

What a cutie pie! I cant believe he is a year old!

Jamie and Scott said...

Happy Birthday Austin! Thanks for the great laughs this year!