Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years 2012!

Happy New Years Everyone! And thank you Kristy for hosting a beautiful New Years Eve dinner! It was wonderful and delicious!

Table decorations

Hanging out with GG before dinner!

Playing with Nana, or under her chair!

The whole gang ringing in 2012!!

Austin stayed up with us but I think he got a little overtired, luckily instead of getting crabby, he just got giggly!! Quite entertaining!!

Playing the Piano with Grandma!!

On the first we went over to wendy and brians to watch the 49ers win their last game of the regular season to clinch a first round playoff bye!! Austin loved rolling on the floor playing with Daisy and she was very tolerant!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Those laughing videos are pretty much the cutest thing ever! LOVE IT! heehee

Mama Michelle said...

super cute!! LOVE The Laughing Vids!! Grandma Kristy is so cute in them too!

Cindy said...

I nearly died laughing at those videos. He has the cutest belly laugh!!!!