Thursday, January 26, 2012

6 month video catchup!

I finally figured out how to post videos from my iphone to the blog. So here is a little catchup from this month in videos!!

Crawling Progression:

Just over 6 months old, Beginning of Jan:

6.5 months old:
And one week later:

YouTube Video
And a day after that:

He is crawling better day by day! He is almost 7 months now and is crawling all over after toys! Here come the gates!
With a little help from cousin Lexi:
First trying finger foods earlier this month:
Austin is getting better and better at feeding himself! His finger foods now include carrots, chicken hot dogs, peas and tofu.
This is mid Jan, I was thinking he was dancing to music but not everyone was convinced...

Now this is definitely dancing to music, or daddy's duck call! But he also does this head shaking when he is excited!

Playing with the Sigona kids:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love all the videos! Glad you figured out how to download them! My fav is Austin's head bobbing dance moves! hehe

Daisy & JJ's Mom said...

Love all the videos Lacey! looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!

Jamie and Scott said...

Those are some good videos! love the crawling progression ones. I need to see a picture of Dan with his beard! Scott would be jealous I think.

Trinette and Mike said...

Love these all! I can't believe he's mobile. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm happy Kendall isn't yet lol! Your little man is so ahead of her. LOVE the head bobbin dance moves and I want that toy that Lexi is playing with in the last one. Oh, and her feeding Austin...too cute for words! We miss you guys! Hopefully we can make it up soon.