Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hospital Pics

The day that Austin was born was one of the greatest days EVER! Before all the labs, the blue lights, and the NICU that happened on day 2, the hospital photographer was able to capture a few pics of proud new parents and their first little boy!! I just got these pics, sorry they are only thumbnails but they are some of the earliest ones we have of Austin. Just a few hours old....

Our little angel!

 Mommy and her little man!

 My favorite pic! Daddy loves his little boy!!

So Sweet!


Mama Michelle said...

Aahh, i had forgotten what a little doll he was when he was born! Such a sweet little guy!

Trinette and Mike said...

So sweet! And tiny!! I also forget they were ever that small. He was a happy baby right from the start :)

Jamie and Scott said...

such a cutie! that was when i first met him during the photo shoot!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Ahhh, brought tears to my eyes! Such a cutie pie!

Cindy said...

For a second you almost scared me with this title! I was about to call you and see how you're doing until I realized it was cute pictures of Austin. He's adorable!! And you look so sweet and beautiful in the picture with him (only hours after giving birth! wow!).