Thursday, January 26, 2012

6 month video catchup!

I finally figured out how to post videos from my iphone to the blog. So here is a little catchup from this month in videos!!

Crawling Progression:

Just over 6 months old, Beginning of Jan:

6.5 months old:
And one week later:

YouTube Video
And a day after that:

He is crawling better day by day! He is almost 7 months now and is crawling all over after toys! Here come the gates!
With a little help from cousin Lexi:
First trying finger foods earlier this month:
Austin is getting better and better at feeding himself! His finger foods now include carrots, chicken hot dogs, peas and tofu.
This is mid Jan, I was thinking he was dancing to music but not everyone was convinced...

Now this is definitely dancing to music, or daddy's duck call! But he also does this head shaking when he is excited!

Playing with the Sigona kids:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, January 20, 2012

6 month appointment and videos

Austin had his 6 month check up this week. It was a little late, so more like 6.5 month check up! But everything is going well, his labs are finally up to normal so no more routine blood tests needed!! YAY!! He weighed 16.4 pounds(19%) and was 26 inches long(20%). He has now starting pulling himself up to standing!! CRAZY!! And I keep thinking everyday might be the day he is crawling, but he is keeping us in suspense! This morning Dan noticed his bottom tooth is starting to poke through!! So I will get a pic of that posted when you can see it more!

I have more videos but Im having trouble uploading them from my least these are a few of Austin pulling himself up!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Visit with the Bassignani/Benner Clan!

We made a trip up to Clear Lake to visit with the Bassignani/Benner Clan this last weekend. We had a great time hanging out with everyone, and Austin loved watching all the kids and dogs! Thanks for a fun visit! I didnt get too many pics, but here are the ones I got:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Picture with Santa...Oops a little late!!

I cant believe I forgot to post Austins first pic with Santa Claus!!! Oh well, here it is, a little reminder of the Christmas season!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Indiana Jones....

The tortoise that is!! Please welcome the newest member of our always growing family!! Little Indy is just 7 months old and could live up to 80 years old! He has already been introduced to the pups and of course Emma is interested and Dakota is unsure! He is a little peanut now but can grow up to 2 feet long and about 60 pounds!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hospital Pics

The day that Austin was born was one of the greatest days EVER! Before all the labs, the blue lights, and the NICU that happened on day 2, the hospital photographer was able to capture a few pics of proud new parents and their first little boy!! I just got these pics, sorry they are only thumbnails but they are some of the earliest ones we have of Austin. Just a few hours old....

Our little angel!

 Mommy and her little man!

 My favorite pic! Daddy loves his little boy!!

So Sweet!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Additional 6 month update...

I forgot to mention that at 6 months Austin is now reaching towards people to be picked up! It is so sweet! Just melts my heart!! I Also wanted to show a few videos!!

 This is the closest we have gotten to crawling, he is starting to rock a little bit!

Eating some peas!

New Years 2012!

Happy New Years Everyone! And thank you Kristy for hosting a beautiful New Years Eve dinner! It was wonderful and delicious!

Table decorations

Hanging out with GG before dinner!

Playing with Nana, or under her chair!

The whole gang ringing in 2012!!

Austin stayed up with us but I think he got a little overtired, luckily instead of getting crabby, he just got giggly!! Quite entertaining!!

Playing the Piano with Grandma!!

On the first we went over to wendy and brians to watch the 49ers win their last game of the regular season to clinch a first round playoff bye!! Austin loved rolling on the floor playing with Daisy and she was very tolerant!!