Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Five months!!

Our little man is 5 months old!! Can you believe it??  He is now a pro at sitting up and is really starting to play with toys! He loves just sitting on the floor surrounded by new toys! The only problem is when he accidentally pushes, rolls, and throws the toys away from him!! Then he really gets upset that he cant go after, I think he might be trying to crawl after them soon!! He is really starting to know what he wants and gets upset if we cant figure it out fast enough!!  But he is still our smiling, laughing, loving boy!! He is usually a great sleeper, about 11pm to 7am in his crib, but occasionally decides he wants to sleep with mommy and daddy and we haven't had the heart, or energy, to tell him no yet!!  How could you with this adorable face!!

 5 months!!

Time Progression....
 1 month

 2 months

 3 months

 4 months

5 months!!!

Thanksgiving 2011!

 This is the only pic I got during thanksgiving! Austin did great and slept through the entire dinner so Dan and I could both eat with the family! Look close you can see his 49ers undershirt!! LOL! Too bad it didnt help the niners win this time!

For the third year in a row we went to cut down our Christmas tree on thanksgiving weekend! The Sigonas all came with us and it was fun for the adults, kids and doggies!!
 The Sigona Tree
 Jones' Tree

Austin helping us decorate!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Getting so big! Pics from November...

Austin and his cousin Autumn with GreatGreatGreat Auntie Beth on her birthday!

Gavin and Austin reading together!

 Austin loves to be surrounded by toys...look at him play!!

 ...And then pass out face down!!!
Thats my cutie! Hanging out at his babysitters house!

GO BEARS!! thanks for the pjs nana!

Sleeping waayyyy late after a rough night...well rough on mommy and daddy!!

I love this pic! Another one from his babysitter!

Watching all 3 kids!! They played so nice together!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

GGma's outfit!

I had to do another clean out of Austins closet the other day. Replacing most of his 3 month clothes with 6-9month outfits and even though I'm excited to be able to start dressing him in some really cute big boy tugged at my heart a little too! So I got out grandmas outfit, which still has a nice newborn baby boy statement to it!! Here is my little cutey playing around... He is doing this interesting sucking on his lips the last couple of days, so every pic I got has him doing it!

Dan and I bought this onesie in Jamaica on our honeymoon! We decided if we got pregnant there then we would tell everyone by showing them the shirt. Well, it took a little longer and the "newborn" onesie is oddly shaped and very large! So since Austin finally fits in it I figured I would get a couple pics!

 My little dream come true!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The big 3-0!

So November 9th came and went and I'm not sure I feel any different! Maybe it will hit me the first time someone asks me how old I am and I have to say, "30!"  The day was nice and relaxing with Dan making a wonderful dinner and Austin was in a great mood when he woke up from his longest nap ever of 3 hours! He even sat at the dinnertable with us in his highchair for the first time and tried some cereal! He wasn't too sure at first but I think he liked it by the end!

My little munchkin is growing up so fast!

Austins bday card to Mommy!

Smiley Happy Boy!
Playing cards with Daddy!

Happy 30th Mommy!!

Trying cheerios for the first time!

Trying Rice cereal for the first time!!

Maybe this isnt so bad!

Look at me, sitting up so good!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

4 months!!

Austin is 4 months old and I cant believe how different every day is with him! He is exploring everything he can get his hands on! Especially his thumb which is always in his mouth to slobber and chew on...not too much of a thumb sucker, just a thumb chewer! He is pretty much always in a good mood, quick to smile and easy to laugh!! What a joy!! He is starting to be able to entertain himself for longer periods and really starting to move on his tummy mat! Im not sure we have much longer before he will be making us babyproof  the house!!  His doctor said he is looking great! He is 25 inches tall, which is 46 percentile. And 14.4 pounds, which is 34 percentile! I cant believe how big my little muchkin is getting!!

 So exciting to be naked!!
 Theres that thumb!
 You wanna try it Mommy?
 Its yummy!!
 Thumb chewin with my Teddy!
 Oh now I can just chew on my turtle!!

 Are there any pics without his hand in his mouth?? LOL!

 Hanging out after a bath in my Tiger robe!


Austin has lots of hand-me-down clothes, but these are special, they are Uncle Ryans Elmo Pjs from when he was a baby!!

And had to post a pic of Gavin in these same Pjs...he was a little older though. And against popular belief I dont really think they look alike!