I am 15 weeks preggers today and taking my first belly pic!! I am finally over the horrible first trimester and all of its accompanying nausea and lethargy! I cant believe how big I am! Looking at Brandi's pics of her belly with Gavin and Lexi...I think I am bigger than her both times!! YIKES!! Oh well!! We are finding out the sex of the baby on jan 21st...just two short weeks away!! Its all so exciting, now that I am feeling better I will try to keep up on my posting updates!!

how can you tell that you are bigger? you have to take a measurement. so glad, so glad that you are feeling better, stupid first trimester, gets everyone!
How cute is your little belly!? I want one! I'm sure I'll pop any day though :) I'll have to post some pictures since I'm probably the same size I was at the beginning of the pregnancy bc I lost weight lol! I can't wait to find out if it's a niece of nephew!!
Yeah - get out the measuring tape! And we are glad your misery months are over. Now to the future!
Oh my goodness!!! you are pregnant!!! Ahh we are getting so old, I'm so excited for you and your man. You guys are going to be great parents. I hope all is well!!!
Yeah for the pre go belly!
Yeahhhh for preggy bellies!!
loooove the little belly!
Such an adorable picture!!
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