Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Its a boy and we couldn't be happier!! Austin Keith Jones was a total wiggle worm during the whole ultrasound which leaves me wondering...once i start to feel him kick, is he ever going to let me sleep? ha! And look at the belly on that kid!! Im in love with this little guy already!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

HEHE! Loving my little nephew Austin! Gavin's hoping he comes out ready to play tackle! LOL

Unknown said...

Yeah for baby boys!

Jamie and Scott said...

Congrats again! I love that he has a name already! Keep growing healthy baby Austin!

Heather said...

He is so very cute. Congrats!

Dave and Joan said...

Wow, everyone is getting boys...first at least. That leaves me to wonder about Cindy. We will find out soon enough and be happy. Congratulations to you both
Love Dave

Mama Michelle said...

Having perused the picture with utmost care ...((drum roll please..))
I hereby prophesy (prophesi?)
That the young man in question looks just like his Daddy!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

I agree GramaShell! He even has his Daddy's hairstyle. Can't you see the gell'd hair sticking up off his forehead? LOL

Cindy said...

SO CUTE!!!! That's a great picture of him! Now I'm dying to meet him!

Elisa and Brian said...

Congratulations!! We are so excited for you both. We cannot wait to meet the little guy!