Monday, February 16, 2009

Road Trip Weekend

This weekend plans were changed a bit due to some inclement weather in oregon, and Dan and I spent saturday in oregon and sunday and monday in Sacramento...and yes, it was a lot of driving! But we were able to see eachother for a few days and have valentines dinner together so it was worth it! No pictures again, yes its very frustrating i know! On Sunday in sacramento we had Brandi, Anthony, Gavin, Dan's brother Tim, and his GF Jammie over for dinner, cards and drinks. It was the biggest group Ive hosted since moving out on my own and i think it went well! Barely had enough silverware and plates for the guests, but plenty of food...Ill be eating leftovers for a week!


Jamie and Scott said...

glad to see that you got back from oregon ok...i was a little worried since all the bad weather. hope you had a great Valentine Day! Can't wait to see you friday! weather looks cold!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Yaaa for someone else hosting!! ;) Not that we mind, you know we love it! We had a great time with you guys! Love ya!

Unknown said...

Glad everything ended up working out:0) And Yay for a new post! This boyfriend thing is taking up too much of your life updates, hehe!

Unknown said...

Glad you had a safe trip. and we want pictures!!!