Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Answer to the Question of the Year!

Well the answer has finally arrived! It actually ended up working well since The Mama was back up for a visit she got to be here for Brandi to open her xmas present one month late! Watch the following video for the answer...


Jamie and Scott said...

wow i still don't believe it! look at those pictures! maybe because i can totally tell you apart but still...congrats! so does that mean you guys are likely to have twins or not!

Cindy said...

of course you guys are! we knew it! :) we loved the suspense created with the video!!!!

jen3 said...

yay!! I GUESSED RIGHT! congrats on the results!

Unknown said...

What a fun way to find out! Thanks for letting us all be part of it :0)

Unknown said...

I was robbed!!! Wow, I guess you girls really are like two peas in a pod ;)


Grandpa + GramariO said...

Knew it had to be...mirrors don't lie. Gpa said he was surprised! That surprised me. He never noticed you two sharing sentences! You have proof now with the DNA thing. Congratulations. Snoitalutargnoc.

Dave and Joan said...

Had to be because I could never tell the difference between you. I thought it was just me. But the truth comes out. Love you both the same, too. Dave

Lynsey Ridout said...

Hey just wanted to say hello and I"m still alive. Started school again, Research and Health Promotion, woohoo!!! :) I hope all is well!