Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blogger Slacker!

Yes, its true I have definitely been a blogger slacker! Christmas was a whirlwind of visitors to SacTown to see the new little Sigona addition, numerous pics can be seen on thesigonafamily blog! I hitched a ride with Danny up to Oregon for new years after he came down to sac at the last minute for xmas weekend. Jen and Trav made it up also and we had a great (drunken) New Years weekend! I know that there are some pics out there, and a very incriminating video that will hopefully stay outta the wrong hands and off the internet! Well thats a holiday update, sorry no pics!


Jamie and Scott said...

no prob lace! glad to see that you are updating. remember blogging doesn't mean pictures!

Unknown said...

Glad you're back! We missed you :0)

jen3 said...

good times! the video is classic. we have to make a copy!