Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Awesome Blossom Running Weekend!

Well if you havent read on one of the many other blogs linked to this one, last weekend Jamie, Jen, Travis and I ran a 5k. Well blossoms and asthma dont mix well and I ended up slowing Jamie down to a walk for a bit but we all finished eventually! See other blogs for official results and race day pics. I have pics of the after party, which consisted mainly of sleeping, wii, and baby watching!

The Rockin Sigonas!

The Sleepy Kinyons!

Happy Gavin!

The Doting Doter!

And finishing up with some videos of the babies...
Mickey is so fascinated with gavin's nose, mouth and eyes! We have to watch to make sure she isnt poking him in the eyes or picking his nose! But I guess she can let him bite her finger if she wants!

The Ellsmore girls love playing with these french doors that separate the family room from the rest of the house!


Jamie and Scott said...

you got the most important pictures, the after party! lol! thanks for coming and posting those videos! hopefully we have some videos to post soon.

Trinette and Mike said...

Love the pics and video's! You guys look like you had such a fun weekend.

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Yeah there are some things better left unsaid, some letters better left unread, some thoughts better left unprinted. That means you have a wonderful life!

Dakota is not a 'puppy' - want to see today right beside the 'yesterday' photo...she's a lady now!