Sunday, April 6, 2008

Getting my move on...

Well the move date has been officially set for May 14th! So i have been busy all week trying to get organized and clean before I have to start packing! Yikes! Also been filling out applications, crazy 30 page long applications! I am going to keep working registry and have a few companies that want to work with its just getting through all of the paperwork! Dakota and I are getting excited about the move, but it sure seems like it is coming up faster than it was supposed to! Also excited to finally be going to up to Humboldt to meet Isabelle and Michaela, the Ellsmore twins in one week! Going to be an exciting summer, with lots of changes!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

It is going to be a busy summer!! I am so happy that you are moving up here, I can't even tell you! Love you mucho! Give Dakota a hug for me too!

Heatherbelle said...

Yeah, I am so glad you are finally moving up to Sac. I have so much fun with you and Brandi that i can not wait to be able to hang out with you more. See you really soon. Miss you, Heather