Monday, April 21, 2008

Day at the Beach and Whale of a Wedding!

This weekend my friend Courtney became another number to add to my list of married friends, which is now considerably longer than the single ones...Scary! You gotta love a wedding though, what a great party, and we all had a wonderful time...Plus its fun to get all dressed up once in a while and take some pictures!

The next day I decided to spend some time down at the beach and boat considering the time that I have left to do that is very limited! I brought Dakota and Montana down for some bonding time and they both had a blast swimming in the ocean, fetching sticks and chasing after the birds. Here a few pics of Montana becoming a brave little swimmer and Dakota enjoying herself as always!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love the doggie pics as always!! You are a HOTTIE!!!

Unknown said...

You look amazing! I can't believe you're moving least I'll see you for Cindy's wedding stuff...right?