Saturday, March 29, 2008

New To Blogging!

After a two week trip through Italy it is good to be home and back into a routine of work and play. Although the summer is rapidly approaching and with it comes a lot of changes and events! Most notably, the Ellsmore Twins birthday!!! Welcome Isabelle and Michaela!!! In May Dakota and I are moving up to Sacramento to be closer to Brands and Anthony. Numerous weddings and pre-wedding parties are also included in the summer festivities! Its going to be a busy couple with starting a new job and finding a new place to live but I am excited!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Yaaaa for new blogs!! I love it!

The Ryan's said...

Yeah Lacy and Dakota! Welcome to the blogger's family!!!! I can't wait to keep up with everything you've got going on this summer. I miss you guys - hopefully we'll see each other again soon but until then at least we have a way to connect.

Jamie and Scott said...

Love the picture of you and Dakota! Adventure awaits everyone in blogspot land!