Saturday, December 12, 2020

march 2020


March 2020 was a month noone will ever forget! The country shut down! Most work was halted, get togethers canceled, and schools closed! We tried to keep getting out and doing stuff with the kids to keep it a bit normal, just with our designated quarantine group! 

We did get the March Birthday party in at pop and nanas before Covid hit the fan!

We are still working towards finishing up the flooring and kitchen!

Playrooms done!

Hanging the microwave!

Kitchens done!

After Buster tore his chest open I decided to make him into a house cat!
Staying busy being silly at home!

Homeschooling, boys enjoyed it, Elaina not so much!

Calis always good for a snuggle!

Got the kids out riding their dirt bikes a lot!

Elaina up on the hill with Cali going to talk to the cow!

Emmy spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking with me!

More Cali snuggles while schooling!

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