Sunday, December 6, 2020

Emmy 5th birthday party!

Loving her presents!

Emmys shopping spree haul!

1. What is your favorite color? Purple and black, (4-Pink and Purple, 3-Pink)

2. What is your favorite toy?    4&5 Unicorn  (3-Babys)

3. What is your favorite fruit? Apple(4-Pineapple, 3-Banana and orange)

4. What is your favorite tv show? 4&5 Princess Movies (3-Barbie and Elena of Avalor)

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  chicken nuggets(4&3-same)

6. What is your favorite outfit? dress(4&3-same)

7. What is your favorite game? Dolls (4-Princess tiara game, 3-Ponies)

8. What is your favorite snack? 4&5 fruit snacks (3-granola bar)

9. What is your favorite animal? 4&5 unicorn (3-elephants)

10. What is your favorite song? 4&5  Elsa-Let it Go (3-twinkle little star)

11. What is your favorite book? 4&5 Princess Book(3-same)

12. Who is your best friend? Jojo  (4-Ava and Jojo, 3-Lexi)

13. What is your favorite dinner? Pizza (4-quesadillas, 3-chicken nuggets)

14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Swing (4-Play with Jojo, 3-play on playground)

15. What is your favorite drink?  4&5 Hot chocolate (3-juice)

16. What is your favorite place to go? 4&5 Jojos house (3-park)

17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Dolls (4- Unicorn, 3-wonder women)

18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Smoothie (4- Waffles, 3-chicken nuggets)

19. What do you want on your birthday?  Eat candy (4-Hit the piñata, 3-just play)

20. What do you want to be when you grow up? ballerina (4-Rupenzel, 3-ballerina)

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