Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wyatts 9th month

Poor little Wyatt has had a pretty rough month! I didnt ever even get around to taking his 9 month pictures because he has been sick the majority of the month! It started out with both kids having double ear infections and bronchitis! After about a week the bronchitis cleared up but the ear infections remained. During this second round of antibiotics Wyatt started having fevers again! After he started refusing to eat we brought him back to the doctor and found out he has strep throat! We were hopeful this would make him finally feel better after this third antibiotic, but that night he broke out in a head to toe rash. We were fearful that it might be an allergic reaction to his antibiotic, but it was quickly obvious that he has now developed Scarlett fever as well! Poor kid is miserable and covered head to toe in a bright red itchy rash!
When he isnt feeling crappy Wyatt is still the easiest going 9 month old Ive seen! He sleeps 12-14 hours at night and takes a 2 hour nap during the day. He is starting to say mamamamama, but doesnt know the meaning yet. He still loves his food and will eat pretty much whatever we are eating. He is a happy, relaxed little boy who loves his brother and cant wait to start running after him. He is still crawling but he is cruising all over the furniture and I think he could take his first step any day! Love this little guy and really hope he feels better soon!!
He is 28.25 inches tall which is the 42% and weighs 18lbs 14 ounces which is the 37%! Austin was the 13% for height and 9% for weight at this age!

You can tell he has been sick since almost all the videos Wyatt is in his PJs!

 Wyatt playing catch with Daddy!

 Goofing around!

 So close to walking!

 Dancing Boy!!

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