Monday, February 24, 2014

SuperCross 2014!

What a fun day of races! I am really loving this tradition! This year we brought Austin and Gavin with us to Supercross in Oakland! We got a box again and the boys both had a blast! Checking out the bikes, walking through the pits, the unlimited snacks, and the racing was so much fun! Cant wait to do it again next year!

The boys checking out the track during practice!

 Sitting with Grandaddy!

 Unlimited popcorn and Motorcyles = one happy kid!


 Cheesy cousins!

 Grandaddy and Austin

 Gavin and Julies first time at the races!

 walking through the pits!

 The girls loved my little monkey!

Austin wanted his gear!

1 comment:

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Nice post but just had to comment on how old your pictures along the side!