Thursday, November 17, 2011

GGma's outfit!

I had to do another clean out of Austins closet the other day. Replacing most of his 3 month clothes with 6-9month outfits and even though I'm excited to be able to start dressing him in some really cute big boy tugged at my heart a little too! So I got out grandmas outfit, which still has a nice newborn baby boy statement to it!! Here is my little cutey playing around... He is doing this interesting sucking on his lips the last couple of days, so every pic I got has him doing it!

Dan and I bought this onesie in Jamaica on our honeymoon! We decided if we got pregnant there then we would tell everyone by showing them the shirt. Well, it took a little longer and the "newborn" onesie is oddly shaped and very large! So since Austin finally fits in it I figured I would get a couple pics!

 My little dream come true!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Definitely a dream come true! He looks so much like Dan when he sucks his lip in! And of course so cute in GGma's outfit!

Mama Michelle said...


Trinette and Mike said...

I just squeal looking at these pictures! That face is pretty much the best thing ever! Isn't it crazy how emotional putting away baby clothes is? You always want your kid to grow up big and strong, but there is something so heart breaking about packing away the small stuff. I love your little dream come true!!

Unknown said...

adorable!!! love the knit outfit. he looks like a little adorable gnome. and I love the dog paw in pic 2

Grandpa + GramariO said...

So cute....and such a big boy.