Friday, November 18, 2011

Getting so big! Pics from November...

Austin and his cousin Autumn with GreatGreatGreat Auntie Beth on her birthday!

Gavin and Austin reading together!

 Austin loves to be surrounded by toys...look at him play!!

 ...And then pass out face down!!!
Thats my cutie! Hanging out at his babysitters house!

GO BEARS!! thanks for the pjs nana!

Sleeping waayyyy late after a rough night...well rough on mommy and daddy!!

I love this pic! Another one from his babysitter!

Watching all 3 kids!! They played so nice together!



Trinette and Mike said...

How did I miss this post!? LOVE all these pictures! He is getting so big/so grown up! Can't wait to see you guys in a few days!

Jamie and Scott said...

Those are great. he is so big? cousin autumn is who? she is cute! tell austin not to get to big, since we don't know when we are going to see you guys again! miss ya!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Great pics! Glad to see you catching up on posts!