Monday, November 2, 2009

New Updates...


Princess Dakota and Angel Emma

Not sure why all of the
grownups are making such a fuss!!

Best pic we could get of the group!

Lil' Tigger!

The Girls

Me, Dan and his mom

We made a quick weekend trip up to Oregon to visit Dan's family that he lived with for a year before I brought him back to Cali! And we went to a pumpkin festival with the kids complete with a Petting Zoo, Pony Rides, a pumpkin launcher and corn maze!!

Katie getting a ride on her pony

Cute lil cow enjoying all the attention...and food, from the kiddies!

Me and Dan at the pumpkin patch!

Alex, Katie, and Jake all decked out for Uncle Jerry's football game! Go Blue Ticks!! League Champs!!


Emma hiding under our bed from the scary evil VACUUM!!

Look how big Emma is!! Almost all grown up and only 4 months old!!

Emma hiding in our hall closet... something Dad put her up to Im sure!


The storm we had recently uprooted our neighbors tree and took our fence along with it!!


Mama Michelle said...

wow that was a very long update!!
The puppers looked great for Halloween -but I can't get over how much Emma has changed!! She looks like a different dog -actually, she looks like a dog instead of a puppy.
Gavin as Tigger! He still looks so little next to Dakota!
Great pics Lace! looks like your quick trip up to Oregon was fun too!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

That was a very long update! I dont even know what to comment about..oh wait ya i do. Gavin was so cute as Tigger, and I still need those pics!

Unknown said...

1. Emma is getting so big! Growing into those adorable ears :0) 2. OMG could Gavin be ANY cuter!? I don't think so! 3. What a fun trip up to Oregon! I'm glad you guys were able to get back up there! 4. Miss you guys!!!!

Unknown said...

OH and that fence!!! At least the dogs probably couldn't get by that tree! What a mess!

Unknown said...

wow! looks like life is keeping you busy. Great to keep up with you on this blog. Those ears on Emma are the BEST. I just want to whisper into her ears.

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Scary about that tree thing. Dogs are cute ... Emma is a puppy in name only!

jen3 said...

great updates! cute pics! and crazy storm that blew that tree down!! Ridiculous!