Thursday, September 24, 2009

Couple more Videos

You can hear Dan telling me how ridiculous I am because I was a little worried about Gavin pulling on Emma's ear!

Uncle Ry playing with Gavin...sorry its so dark!

Gavin walking????

Emma Swimming at the River!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

I love that you have the video of Gavin walking! He is already so much better at it! Ill have to get a new one!

Mama Michelle said...

I love the Gavin/Emma ear video!! I've watched it like 10 times and I laugh out loud every time!!
We gotta get some lights in Beez family room though so we can see! lol!

jen3 said...

nice videos Lace!! Still need to meet sweet Emma!

Dave and Joan said...

Great wedding.
You guys looked so Happy.
We had such a great time both at the wedding and together with the families.
Looking forward to seeing you again