Tuesday, March 24, 2009

St Pattys Weekend in Oregon

Well I made my final trip up to oregon to see Danny for St Patricks Day, aka Dans Bday! Not to say that there will not be any future trips, but now that his official move in date is set for april 3rd!!!(Woo Hoo!!!!) We will be making our trips up there together! Dans brother, Tim and his GF Jammie (pronounced Juh-Aim-Eee) were nice enough to pick me up and let me hitch a ride in their car. What a blast of a weekend! We (meaning the boys) built a ping pong table, not regulation size, but it worked enough for me to kick dan's butt a couple times ( Im sure he beat me a time or two as well), and for dan and me to whoop up on tim and jammie during a beer pong session! We rode motorcycles and quads through the snow slushy mud, FREEZING! Played team assault missions with air soft guns, outside, at night, in the snow! And left some time to play a bit of Wii as well! Although the plan was that the three of us were going to head back home on tuesday(which happend to be dans bday), he convinced me that "nobody should have to cry on their own birthday", so i stayed an extra day so we could go out to dinner and drink some nice green beer to celebrate! I took the overnight 10hr train home wednesday night and was of course sick the next three days!


jen3 said...

I'm happy you got to spend Dan's birthday weekend with him! Sounds like you two had a great time! Happy to hear he's moving down, and no more-taking the "midnight train!" hehe

Unknown said...

I'm so excited a move date is set!!! I can't wait to hear all about it this weekend! yay!!!!

Mama Michelle said...

Love the commentary -sounds like you had a great weekend for Dan's B'day and St Paddy's Day- but how are we going to get you to start getting some commemorative pictures?
You know what they say..if there's no pic -it didn't happen!