Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Me and little Gavino!

It was finally my turn to babysit Gavin all day while his mama and papa were at work. We had a blast, hanging out and talking...even went to the store for a bit. He behaved wonderfully, very little fussing, went down great for his naps....is it always this easy? haha! Only thing I didnt like was getting up at 530 in the morning to rush over to B's house, just to have Gavin sleep until 9. So next time Brandi said she will try dropping him off at my place so I can sleep a bit longer...we will see how that works!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

yaaa! glad u had a good time! And uhhh.. ya...it's always that easy! ;-)

jen3 said...

if only it can be sooo easy;) glad you had a good 1st-time experience babysitting gavin!

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous! Gavin is such a lucky little boy to be watched by such a wonderful Auntie :0)

Mama Michelle said...

So Jealous...