Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Bambino Has Arrived!!

Please welcome Gavin Joseph Sigona born 12/20/2008 at 644pm, wieghing in at 6lbs6oz and 19iches tall!! He is just a little guy but oh so precious! Brandi did wonderfully, she didnt have an easy labor but she stayed very calm and didnt need to take any pain medication!! Mom and baby will probably get to come home tonight from the hospital! More pictures to come...
The Sigona Family!Me and my Sis
Big Yawn!

GramaShell and Gavino

Nonni and Nonno

My Favorite Lil Man

Happy Birthday Gavino!


Unknown said...

Wow guys. Your life is gonna change now that you have such a blessing. I'm so happy for you all!!!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Wow is he cute! We can hardly wait to see him, and hold him!

Dave and Joan said...

And you thought your lives had changed the past 9 months. Now comes the big change. Congratulations on becoming parents for the first time. What a wonderful bundle of joy.
Love from your other mom and dad.

Unknown said...

We are sooooo.... excited!! Happy Birthday Gavin, we can't wait to meet you!! We love you already!!
Love, Auntie Adg and Uncle Ry

Jamie and Scott said...

Wow he is a cutie! Much cuter in person though! Congrats Auntie Lacey!

jen3 said...

Happy b-day Gavin!! Welcome to the family!

The Ryan's said...

Congratulations Aunt Lacey! He looks very healthy and Brandi looks great! Send some Ryan-family love to the expanded Sigona family for us :)