Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Visiting the Kinyons!

Last weekend I hitched a ride up to oregon with Jen and Travis to visit the Kinyon family...and maybe also to visit with Danny! I had a blast hanging out with the family, playing with the kids, did a little site seeing, and rode my first motorcycle and only came away with minor bumps and bruises! Thanks Kinyons for being such gracious hosts! Overdressed at a bar in the Boondocks!
Freezing cold...Thanks for the jacket Trav!

Soo Pretty!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love the pics! Tell Dan to stop standing on his tiptoes when he's taking pics with you! hehe

Jamie and Scott said...

so cute! love the background setting! glad you didn't get hurt riding the motorcycle.

Lynsey Ridout said...

Who is this Dan fella??? You two are very cute though! I hope all is well...

Unknown said...

what a gorgeous couple....

jen3 said...

you two are looking photographer took some nice pics!! LOL

The Ryan's said...

Dan!? What's going on here, Lacey? We need a post with details around this mystery guy. Obviously you're together but what's the deal?! Where's he from? How'd you meet? Let's just put it all out there for your friends and family to read :)

On another note, you guys look absolutely GREAT together and if he's from Oregon then he's already off to a great start in my book!!

Look forward to an updated post from you and your sister!!