Sunday, April 8, 2018

Feburary catchup!

The boys love their Ninja class!

Elaina was doing swim but recently started gymnastic for a month until a dance class opens up! 
She loves it!

Brushing Daddys hair!

The Ellsmore girls came for a visit!

We all got to see Michaela play a basketball game!

Gavin had a sleepover with the boys and Elaina went to the Sigonas to have to girls sleepover! 
Success! Cant wait to do it again, but I want the girls next time! The boys did their own thing including video games, legos, and dirtbikes!

They love watching dirtbikes!

New organizers for school work!

Austin had a school play!

Almost baseball season...practicing sliding!

Buster loves being a lapdog!

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