Sunday, April 8, 2018

Annual KinJoBa Snow Trip!

Always look forward to this trip! Kids had a blast and cant wait to do it with one more next year!

On our way!

Hitting the snow!

Elaina loves to carry around books...big, grown up books, with no pictures. She takes them to bed and "reads" them! Love this girl!

 Love her face! 

She had the best time laying in  the snow and eating it!

Austin loved skiing! He did so well and was so brave going up and down all by himself!

Wyatt did well too but his attention was shorter!

Elaina loved it even though she struggled keeping her legs pointing the right way!

Kneeling down  and flying! Go Emmy!

Building the jump!

Building a snowman!

Can you see the snowman?



Playing a word game with Jammie and Brian, not sure if everyone else will find this as hilarious as us but listen to our clues and Brians answers!

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