Tuesday, March 8, 2016

January, Beginnings of 2016!

We lost our beloved nanny of 2.5 years, Shelbi got another job and moved on. We are all very sad to see her go, but Wyatt is very excited this means he gets to go to preschool with Buba! EmJ is going to be at a daycare until she turns 2 and can join Wyatt in preschool!

 Its an exciting day!

 Austin was very excited for Wyatt, who picked out his own shirt(can you tell)!

 This was Austin directing the photo shoot, Now take a pic of our backpacks with us looking back at you, now look at the door wyatt. Haha! Love these kids!

 All day preschool is hard!

 My sweet little EmmyJ is such a goof!

 Came home from work one day to this....can my heart melt any louder!

Roasting smores on our new indoor roaster! EmJ with the photobomb!

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