Tuesday, March 8, 2016

DunCoSigJo Christmas Snow Cabin Vacation!

We were able to get eveyones schedule to align for a long weekend in the snow with the DunCoSigJo clan! So much fun!

Gingerbread house!

Opening presents!
Wyatt loved his gift!

Cute Present!

In the snow, looking miserable, but i promise they were having fun!

Santa Pjs!

Just hanging out!

Wyatt came a little sick(and spread it around while we were there, SORRY!) he fell asleep the first day standing up!

Always the helper!

More sledding!

They look miserable, but they were having fun!

Wyatt and Daddy

Austin by himself

Lainey and Daddy!

Love this one! Ryan chasing Austin and Wyatt and Weston chasing Ryan!

Daddy with the boys!

The whole gang!

And we can be silly too!

Story time!

Backyard fun...well Ever didnt think so!

Gavin down the steep hill!

My turn!


All of the kiddos!

Spa time!

Baby in a box!

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