Wednesday, January 7, 2015

End of December and Start of 2015

 Sleepout in the living room!
 Even Daddy and EmJ joined in!

 Now thats what I call SuperDaddy!

 Love these boys!

 Playing with Christmas presents!

 The Bassignani Clan came to visit and decided our cave finally needed to be explored!
Those are Bretts feet!

Inside the cave is wayyy bigger than we thought!

 Dan took them in the 4runner on the dirt bike track, very muddy!

 Grandpa Brett with the boys

 and with his granddaughter

 Making faces at Daddy!

So much love for this little girl!

 Naps with Daddy are the best kind!

 Piggy back rides!

 Austin loves to hold and kiss his baby sister!

 She was crying and he is singing and patting her to calm her down!

 Supercross party!
 Austins ready to go!
 Everett says maybe next year!

 Go Julie!
 Wyatts first time on a track!

 He loves the bikes!

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