Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Baby EmJ is two months old!

Baby girl Elaina has acquired many nicknames: Lainey, EmJ, and Emmy are probably the most common. She is adored by her big brothers! She hasn't rolled over yet, but is starting to enjoy tummy time more and is getting her head up pretty high now! She is the most smiley and talkative first thing in the morning, so I haven't gotten too much on video yet.  She has been sleeping in her own crib most of the month and is starting to sleep much better at night. Usually between 5-7 hour stretches with an occasional 8-9 hour night!  Her first shots went well and she slept most of the day.  She is the biggest of all our kids at 23 inches long 90%(Wyatt 22.75 inches, Austin 22.5 inches), and 13 pounds 9 ounces 68%(Wyatt 12 pounds 2 ounces, Austin 11 pounds)!

Our pretty blue eyed girl!

 Of course the boys had to crash her photo shoot!

Smiley girl!

 Getting bigger:
2 months
1 month

All three at 2 months!

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