Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Sigona Kids' Birthday Party!!

Gavin and Lexi had a joint Pirate and Princess birthday party this year! Brandi did a great job! Such a blast!

 Great decorations!

 Costumes for everyone!!

 Pretty Princess Birthday Girl!

 Pirate Gavin Birthday Boy!
 Gavin and his best bud Jackson

 Austin getting his face painted!

 He was so serious about it!

 I love the result!!

 Happy little butterfly Kendall!

 So Cute...Not sure what she is though! Minnie Mouse maybe?

Wyatt got his face painted too!!

 Austin and Griffin Hanging out!

 Wyatt making the rounds!

 All the kiddos!

 A pirate and a princess!

 Austin passed out on our way too be in a Chrstmas parade with Dans 4 wheeling club! It was fun, but I didnt get any pics! Austin loved riding in the front seat with Mommy waving to everyone!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Lexi is hello kitty!! She was wearing the necklace you got her!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

A big day for the kids. Austin looked so grown up it was amazing.