Saturday, December 14, 2013

November Catch up

Our computer crashed last month which has caused a month or so delay in blogging! Here is a catchup of November.

 Love how much these boys love eachother!

 Wyatt hanging out in Daddys chair

Kisses for the baby!!

 An evening at GramaShells!

 Terry and Austin built Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

 Love our view!

 Its morning Mommy, do we have to do pictures already?

 Sleepy boys!

 Dan finally got me to go on my first 4Wheeling trip, we took the boys and had fun. I still dont enjoy the 4 wheeling part, but the scenery and hanging out with Larry and LeeAnne was fun!!

 Austin and I got out to watch on this part!

 Cute sleeping Wyatt!

 I think we were just headed down to the Sigonas, but Austin wanted to get all packed up!!

 Auntie B was nice enough to babysit the boys so Dan and I could have an adult night out! She gave them a bath and pj'd them too!! 

 All snuggled in!

 Playing at home

 Wyatt is really loving this eating food thing!!

 Hey, who taught you that!!

Wyatt is not in a bath seat anymore!! Fun in the Tub!!

Playing Madden with Daddy!

Singing and playing the piano for Mommy!

Austin helping Daddy fix the water heater...well thats how it started!

Playing at Grandmas house!

Wyatts loving eating food!!

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