Thursday, May 23, 2013

More from Wyatt's Busy First Week!

 Little smile!

 Mommy's Littlest Cowboy!

 Napping with Auntie!

 Wyatt in Austins 'going home' overalls!

 Hanging with Gramsy!

 Grandpa Cope came up for a visit too! Playing with Austins new workbench!

 Baby Wyatt with Grandpa Cope!

 Grandpa Cope and his Nor Cal Grandkids!

 Austin got some Daddy time all to himself when they went to Hangtown to watch the bikes!

 Couldnt even get him to look away for a pic!

Gavin and Austin doing some bike riding!


Trinette and Mike said...

I'm on post overload! In a great way! Love them all, love the munchkins and love you guys! Keep them coming :)

Unknown said...

Love,love. Love him... And all my nieces and nephews!