Friday, May 31, 2013

Wyatt is 3 weeks!!

At 3 weeks old Wyatt has already rolled over 3 times!! He seems to be smiling at us, but we cant get him to do it consistently!  He is eating about every 2 hours during the day and gives me 3 and sometimes even 4 hours at night, cant really complain about that! He is still sleeping in our room in his bassinet, but we are probably going to move him into his own room soon, hopefully after its been painted and finished with the remodel!! He is a pretty easy going baby, just like his brother was!

 I love watching this baby sleep!

 In his bassinet!

 With Daddy! 

 Tummy time at 2.5 weeks old, Surprised us all by rolling over! I only got pics the first time! Second time I got the video I already posted!

 And there he goes!

 Lounging poolside!

 I think thats a smile!!

 Sleeps with his hands curled on his chin, just like Austin did!!

 Here is Austin in almost the same pose!

 And if you needed more proof they are brothers!!

Here are a couple pics of things other than Wyatt!!
 Dan took Gavin for a ride on the quad!

 My little cutie!

 Mommys cowboys!

Playing with Daddy!!

Wyatt rolling over for the first time!

At two and a half weeks my little newborn rolled over twice!! Then did it again the next day!! Uh oh, Im worried we might have an early mover!!

 A couple other 2 week pics!

Baby Wyatts Newborn Pics!!

These are the hospital pics, Wyatt was only a few hours old!!

And Kimmie works her magic again!! Love these pics!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Collados come to visit again!

We loved having the Collados come to visit again so soon!!! And they had a chance to meet baby Wyatt!! The kids had a great time playing together and swimming in the pool!

 Snack time!

 Sofia riding the Kawi!



  So much fun!!

 What a jump!!

I cute moment of the kids singing twinkle twinkle to baby Wyatt!

Its getting harder and harder to get a pic with ALL the kids!!

 Austin playing with Mickey!

 Happy 2nd birthday Sofia!!

 Football time!!

 Lexi was tucking Sofia into the dog bed!

 Cindy holding Wyatt for the first time!

 Joan holding Wyatt!

 Storytime with Auntie Cindy

 Checking out the land with Uncle Dan!

 Making some music!

 Austin showing Sofia his pet Drake

Checking out the fish in the water plant

 So much fun with Cindy Windy!

Saying goodbye at the airport!!