Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pop and Nana's 50th Anniversary Celebration!!

Congrats to Pop and Nana!!! 50 years together is absolutely amazing!! And what a wonderful party to celebrate!!

 On our way to the party!

 Austin has his bikes!!

 These cousins love eachother!

 My handsome little boy!

 Cutie Gavin, so grown up!


 Jones Family!

 Sigona Family!

 GramaShell looking good!

 Grandma loves her little man!


 Pretty girls!

 Little Becca!

 Jones Sisters!

 Cutie Cousin Autumn!

Gavin wearing a jacket made for Anthony when he was little!


 Cake time!! Just like newlyweds!!


 Best pic of the night!! Pop and Nana rocking out Gangham Style!!!

 Dance time!

 Katie and her little sister Becca!

 So Sweet!


 Brian and Wendy
 Larry and LeeAnne

 It was getting late so Austin put on his Choo-choo Pjs and cowboy boots!

But he still had enough energy to try and learn the Electric Slide!!


Unknown said...

Great pics! It looks like it was a great anniversary party.

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Wow! What great pics! Im a sucker for the cousin ones!! But, Pop and Nana's dance is definitely the best!!

Jamie and Scott said...

Wow looks like a great party. Those Kinyons really know how to celebrate well! Happy 50th Pop and Nana!