Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter Fair!

Austin and I joined the Sigonas and went to the Fair Oaks Easter Fair for some early bunny fun this year!

 Gavin and Lexi were pretty excited, they took off!!

 I was able to coax them all together for a big cousin hug!

 AND they all turned and smiled!! There were so many cute pics, I couldnt pick just one!!

 And they are off again! Maybe it was the clothes, but Austin just looked so big all of the sudden!

 They all waited in line, but Gavin was the only one who climbed up and went down the slide!

 It was hard to tear Lexi away from the music, all she wanted to do was dance!!

 Gavin waiting to start his easter egg hunt

 Waiting with Papa!

 And they're off!!

 Gavin came up to me afterwards and said, 'look Auntie, I won!" Ha!

Austin and Lexi in line for the train. I was impressed with how well they waited because it took like 20 minutes, I guess candy can make time fly!!
 Austin squeeled when he saw there was a train! He yelled Choo Choo!! At this moment he is train obsessed!!

 Brandi and the kiddos going for a ride!

 Austin loved the Easter Egg hunt!!

 Lexi hunting for eggs!

 I got some!

 Lexi and Austin showing off their eggs!

 Austin wouldn't put his easter basket down, even to go down the slide!

 Still carrying his basket!

 Love this little guy!

Ant and Lexi

 Long day = sleepy happy boy!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

We had such a fun time! Glad you guys joined us!

Trinette and Mike said...

Love all the pictures! Cutest cousins EVER!!!

Jamie and Scott said...

Looks like so much fun!