Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Its a boy and we couldn't be happier!! Austin Keith Jones was a total wiggle worm during the whole ultrasound which leaves me wondering...once i start to feel him kick, is he ever going to let me sleep? ha! And look at the belly on that kid!! Im in love with this little guy already!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

15 week Belly pic!!

I am 15 weeks preggers today and taking my first belly pic!! I am finally over the horrible first trimester and all of its accompanying nausea and lethargy! I cant believe how big I am! Looking at Brandi's pics of her belly with Gavin and Lexi...I think I am bigger than her both times!! YIKES!! Oh well!! We are finding out the sex of the baby on jan 21st...just two short weeks away!! Its all so exciting, now that I am feeling better I will try to keep up on my posting updates!!