Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Last Wednesday I was overjoyed when asked the question every girl dreams of!! Candles, roses, and my love on one knee...doesnt get much more romantic than that!

The Setting

I love this guy!

The ring!


Unknown said...

Yay!!!!!!! The ring looks even better on your finger :) hehe!

Jamie and Scott said...

Congrats my friends! so exciting...start planning its going to be a PARTY!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Yaaa!!! So excited to be expanding the family once again! Love you guys!

Cindy said...

HOORAY!!!! Congrats guys- I know my family is dying to get to know Dan this summer! Can't wait to see you both!

Unknown said...

yay! so happy for you both

Lynsey Ridout said...

That is awesome! Congratulations, I'm so happy you found the one! Enjoy planning the wedding and try to not be too stressed!

The Ryan's said...

Ohh, that's soo sweet Lacey! Congratulations!! Now can you create a post of how you two met?!

Unknown said...

Finally, geez Dan take ya long enough? LOL. Congrats you guys, we are so happy for you both!!!

jen3 said...

Yay for my new cousin!!! LOL! we are excited for the two of you!

Dave and Joan said...

Joan & I are looking forward to meeting this guy Dan today and welcoming him into our family too. Love from Dave and Joan