Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gone Fishin'!

Last monday Dan and I went fishing with Brandi, Anthony, and Gavin, and we brought Dan's Godson Joey with us! It was a blast, I havent caught a fish since I was a little kid, and I caught the most at 4! Joey was right behind me with 3 and caught the BIGGEST fish of the day by far! Everyone had fun and was able to hook a fish or two. and of course the dogs came to cheer us on!

First catch of the day! Joey and I caught them at almost the same time!

Great catch Beez!

Gavin helping his mama out!

Family of Fishermen!

Gavin catching a fish of his own!

Joey with the big catch!

Fish, Brandi, Fish!



Get that pine cone Doter!!

Cleaning up!

And just one cute pic of Doter snuggling up to Dan!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love it! we had a great time!

Jamie and Scott said...

next summer we are going to have to go with everyone and the kids can fish with us! love the pictures!

Unknown said...

I want to go fishing too!! I got Mike a license for Valentines Day and he still hasn't used it! Can't wait to see you this weekend!

jen3 said...

love to go fishing!! happy you guys had a good time:) and caught some fish!!

Dave and Joan said...

Hi to all. Lots of great photos. I love to fish too. You need to take me fishing. Will we be seeing you this August? Love Dave and Joan