Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Visiting the Kinyons!

Last weekend I hitched a ride up to oregon with Jen and Travis to visit the Kinyon family...and maybe also to visit with Danny! I had a blast hanging out with the family, playing with the kids, did a little site seeing, and rode my first motorcycle and only came away with minor bumps and bruises! Thanks Kinyons for being such gracious hosts! Overdressed at a bar in the Boondocks!
Freezing cold...Thanks for the jacket Trav!

Soo Pretty!

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Apartment Video!

I was showing Dakota the blog about Gavin's nursery and she was feeling pretty left out. So here is a video showing our new place! Im not totally moved in but you can get the general idea, I am thinking that we are going to really love it here! Thanks to Jen and Travis for helping to stock my kitchen, and to Jamie and Scott for the bathroom stuff and the coffee table and all the lil gifts, as well as coming down and helping me on the big move in day, and to Danny for coming down from Oregon to help with the move-in as well, and to Mama for helping me drag my furniture around my bedroom until I was satisfied with the setup, and to Brands for the much needed tool box! Love you all!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a Weekend!

This past weekend was a whirlwind! Friday I went down to Fremont and Travis did a great job getting me drunk even before Jen got home from work...damn my weakness for patron margaritas! Then we all headed over to Trinette and Mike's for a great Halloween party! I cant wait til their next party! Saturday was Brandi's baby shower with all of Anthony's family, and she got so many wonderful gifts that we have already gone back through multiple times! Sunday I was up in Chico for my first 5K and I managed to finish under my 30 minute goal...29.23 to be exact! Whoop whoop! Ha! Sunday evening and monday morning was spent painting Gavin's room at Brandi's house and Monday afternoon I flew home to begin packing up all of my stuff from my moms house to put into my new apartment! Move in day November 8th!

Cowgirl Heather, Princess Leia Lacey, Zorros Daughter Jen
Me and Jamie before the 5K