Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dumont Wedding!

I cant believe how many of my friends are getting married this year, already two weddings! How quickly things can change...Jeff and Christine married this last Friday on the one year anniversary of their first date! It was a beautiful wedding and an awesome reception!

Cutest Little Flower Girls and Ringbearer
Introducing Mr and Mrs Dumont!

First Dance

Gotta Love the Mama!

Me and Adrienne

Waiting for the Bouquet toss...
Almost a diving catch!


Jamie and Scott said...

Love your dress! also love the picture of Adrienne trying to catch the garter! sounds like you had a great time, miss ya!

Jamie and Scott said...

ok so after looking at your picutres on myspace i realized i meant the bouquet for Adrienne instead of garter. can i blamed that on my headache and being sleep deprived!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

I can't believe how great MY dress looked on you! love ya!